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Empower Your Financial Solutions with Blockdaemon's Builder Vault

Product Updates
Oct 16, 2023
With diverse wallets, dynamic custody, and Threshold Cryptography, Blockdaemon's Builder Vault is a game-changer in financial innovation.

Blockdaemon’s Builder Vault enables you to offer unparalleled wallet and custody services. 

Builder Vault gives you the power to:

 Diversify Your Wallet Offerings:

  • Single client wallets: The classic, reliable choice for individual users.
  • Multiparty approval wallets: Perfect for small businesses that need joint sign-off.
  • Shared family wallets: Simplify finances for families, complete with parental controls.
  • Shared social network wallets: Create community wallets for gaming and social forums.
  • Social wallet recovery services: Provide a fail-safe for your clients, independent of vendors.

Reimagine Custody Models:

  • Self-Custody: You host all key shares, maintaining total control.
  • Regulated Custody: You host all keys for your clients, meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Non-Custodial WaaS: Share the responsibility of hosting keys with your clients.
  • Self-Custody WaaS: Empower clients to manage all key shares themselves.
  • Third-Party Custody: Allow clients to appoint a third party for some or all key shares.

Ready to revolutionize your financial services? Book a call today, or read on to delve deeper into Builder Vault's game-changing features.

What Makes Builder Vault the Future?

Threshold Cryptography: The Backbone

Builder Vault employs Threshold Cryptography to generate, store, and use a private key in the form of distributed keys shares among multiple parties, creating a threshold security module (TSM). This makes your operations not just dynamic but also secure. Each party holds a share of the key and can initiate transactions through collaborative approval. For instance, in a 2-of-3 configuration, any two parties must agree to initiate a transaction.

Dynamic TSM Clusters: Adaptability Defined

Builder Vault lets you effortlessly scale your Threshold Security Module (TSM). Starting with a simple 2-of-2 Multi-Party Computation (MPC), you can add more nodes as your business needs evolve. The core benefit of this model is the ability to easily and dynamically evolve their system to support new models and new requirements, while also minimizing costs.

Unlimited Mobile Node Hosting: Say Goodbye to Constraints

Unlock a new era of mobile cryptography with Builder Vault. It supports an unlimited number of mobile devices for each TSM instance, offering you the ultimate in scalability and user convenience.

Build Your Own TSM: Customization Meets Security

With Builder Vault, you can invite others to join a shared TSM, opening the door to a host of personal and business applications. Parents can set approval controls for children, and companies can enforce multi-signature transaction protocols.

Self-Custody WaaS: A Win-Win Proposition

Offer Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) without the regulatory burden. Clients can hold 100% of their key shares on trusted devices, thereby reducing your risk profile.

Social Key Recovery: A New Level of Resilience

Builder Vault allows for the secure export and storage of encrypted key shares with trusted third parties, providing an added layer of resilience against key loss scenarios.

Core Differentiators: Builder Vault vs. The Rest

  • Dynamic: Any-to-Any connectivity for unrivaled innovation.
  • Unconstrained Custody: Host all, some, or none of the key shares.
  • 100% Self-Hosting: You control your hosting environments.
  • Patented Advanced MPC™: Developed by our world-class cryptographers.
  • Industry-Leading Performance: Experience near-zero latencies for core operations.
  • Unmatched Scalability: Supports diverse platforms and handles over 12,000 operations per second.

Trusted by Titans: A Legacy of Excellence 

Blockdaemon's Builder Vault is audited and trusted by financial giants. Institutions globally have licensed our TSM. Our security credentials include exhaustive third-party audits from reputed firms like NCC Group. With this level of scrutiny, Blockdaemon Advanced MPC™ has never shown the vulnerabilities found in other solutions, providing unmatched assurance.

Contact us for your tailored evaluation today. Elevate your financial services and carve your niche in the fast-evolving world of digital assets and cryptography.

View our YouTube video which breaks down Builder Vault's core benefits.


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