Blockdaemon Blog

Blockdaemon Ethereum Newsletter || September 2023

Ethereum Newsletter
Sep 11, 2023
Join us in this months Ethereum Newsletter. We'll be covering: AA, MPC or Both for Your Application. Seamless Staking with Institutional Wallet. Activation Queue Now ~11 Days.

In this month’s newsletter

  • AA, MPC or Both for Your Application?
  • Seamless Staking with Institutional Wallet
  • Activation Queue Now ~11 Days

AA, MPC or Both for Your Application?

The choice between MPC and account abstraction depends on your specific security requirements, use cases, and application or service objectives. This article explains the two approaches, highlights the differences and helps you find out which is best suited for your application.

Blockdaemon presented about the related ''MPC + AA + MEV = Ménage à trois?'' in person at DappCon in Germany. During this same week, our APAC team was participating at a number of events in Asia, and we’ll share all recordings soon. If you missed us live this time, happy to schedule a meeting at an event in the future!


Seamless Staking with Institutional Wallet

Blockdaemon Institutional Wallet™ now supports  integrated staking for Ethereum (ETH). You can also create segregated accounts for custody staking, as well as definable policies for staking and unstaking. Moreover, you can monitor your staking rewards via a quick view dashboard feature.

Other Wallet enhancements in our release are support for confidential computing and comprehensive audit log capabilities.

Activation Queue Now ~11 Days

The Ethereum activation queue wait time has been consistently pointing down since early June, from a high of 45 days to currently ~11  days. While obviously speculative, there seems to be no reason for a trend reversal at this point. If it continues, the activation queue could be empty by mid-October!

Blockdaemon Resources

Want to read more Ethereum news? Check out our August Newsletter here


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