Blockdaemon Blog

Blockdaemon Bulletin April 2023

Apr 27, 2023

Blockdaemon Bulletin: April  

Welcome to the latest edition of the Blockdaemon Monthly Update! As we spring into April, we're excited to bring you the freshest insights, updates, and news from the ever-evolving world of blockchain and decentralized technologies. In this issue we’ll explore Blockdaemon’s latest product releases and updates.

Want to hear more about how Blockdaemon can help you with your Blockchain journey? Contact us today to chat more about our blockchain solutions, or read on to get a closer look at what’s new.

Not your keys, not your crypto. Self-custody is critical, but until now mostly been limited to retail users. Blockdaemon just launched a wallet solutiondesigned specifically to give institutions the ability to self-host digital assets. The Blockdaemon wallet represents a significant step forward for institutions looking for a more secure, regulatory-compliant, and liquid solution for holding digital assets. Interested in upgrading your institutional custody? Get started here.

On April 12th, at epoch 194048, Ethereum successfully completed the highly anticipated Shapella Network Update. We understand with network updates there can be questions. To address any questions arising from the network update, Blockdaemon has prepared a Shapella Hardfork FAQ video playlist and a dedicated site to monitor validator queues.  

Company & Protocol Updates

Introducing Blockdaemon Wallet

A unique solution designed specifically for professional, institutional customers who require a self-hosted platform.

Discover Shapella

The Blockdaemon team has worked tirelessly to make Shapella updates easily accessible for you. From re-staking accumulated rewards, exiting validators, or staking ETH for the first time, we have you covered!

Blockdaemon Advanced MPC is Free of Published MPC Vulnerabilities

Blockdaemon’s cryptography team has reviewed all of the published vulnerabilities and confirmed that none of them apply to Blockdaemon’s MPC wallet implementations or wallets developed by licensing partners using Blockdaemon’s Advanced MPC

How To Query Your Crypto Transactions and Wallet Account Balances with a Blockchain API

With a blockchain API, you can query your on-chain transactions and wallet account balances, even when accounts are managed by a third party. Learn how you can utilize Blockdaemon’s API to do this!

Andrew Vranjes, General Manager and Vice President of Sales for APAC, participated in the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 alongside representatives from BitGo, Falcon X, and Elwood. Together they presented the keynote, "How to Build Compliant Asset Management in Web3. You can view the recording here. We appreciate everyone who attended and contributed to the event's success

Blogs & News

Coindesk TV: Blockdaemon Eyes Large Institutions With New Wallet App

Blockdaemon’s Founder and CEO, Konstantin Richter joined Coindesk TV’s First Movers to discuss how institutions can now self custody with the recently launched Blockdaemon Wallet.

Shapella Hardfork FAQ Video Playlist

Following the April 12th Shapella network upgrade, explore our video resources to answer your frequently asked questions.

Blockdaemon Podcast Episode 4: Metrika

On the fourth episode of the Blockdaemon Podcast, the team sits down with Metrika to discuss the Shapella Fork, the recently completed Ethereum network upgrade that enabled rewards to be withdrawn.

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