Blockdaemon Blog

Announcing Blockdaemon’s Support for the Base Testnet at Launch

Press Release
Feb 23, 2023

We believe that the power of blockchain lies in its ability to create a new kind of business model that is onchain, one that is more transparent and trustless than ever before. Moving services onchain means moving those services from being run by humans to being run by code. This ensures that no one person can make changes or decisions at a system level on their own—they must work together with others to build consensus.

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This kind of system will allow for more transparency and better trust between parties, which will mean lower fees, faster transactions, and higher quality products and services all around.Enter Base, an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) chain that’s been incubated inside of Coinbase and will progressively decentralize in the years ahead.

Today, Blockdaemon is proud to support Base at launch with industry-leading blockchain infrastructure.

As the premiere institutional provider in the blockchain industry, Blockdaemon supports thousands of nodes across leading chains such as Ethereum and Solana to ensure the networks are healthy and ready for institutional adoption. Blockdaemon now extends this same level of support to foster the success of Base.

How Blockdaemon Supports Base Infrastructure

Base is a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly way to build onchain that will enable the next wave of decentralized apps or dApps to scale the cryptoeconomy to billions of users.

Base will serve as the onchain home for Coinbase products, as well as an open ecosystem where anyone can come build with them and for their customers.Blockdaemon is an enterprise-grade blockchain platform that enables businesses to access blockchain technology, without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure.

Blockdaemon offers a complete platform for building blockchain applications, which now includes Base support.

Blockdaemon provides customers with a powerful set of tools that enable them to save internal resources on key infrastructure tasks, like server management and monitoring.Most importantly, Blockdaemon’s support of Base via Ubiquity Data API suite provides institutional level offerings for mission critical infrastructure that scales with your business through Native access.

The Ubiquity Data API suite is a powerful and flexible suite of blockchain APIs that allows users to query blockchain data and broadcast transactions across a variety of blockchains — all without operating or managing nodes. The Ubiquity Data API suite solves the operational costs and inefficiencies from running and maintaining self-hosted nodes for a business’ needed blockchains. The Ubiquity Data API suite grants access and gets you up and running in seconds. The Ubiquity Data API suite is far more robust than self-hosting nodes in 3 main ways:

  1. Operational Efficiency: Immediate access to high quality blockchain data without the need to operate or self-host infrastructure.
  2. Scalability: The Ubiquity Data API suite includes REST, RPC Access, NFT API and other specialized API’s with up to 10 API keys provisioned on API Gateway.
  3. Blockchain Reliability: On-demand access, dedicated sales and technical support, and 24/7 on-call incidence support for enterprise clients - all with 99.9% uptime.

Top Three Reasons to Choose Blockdaemon for Base Infrastructure

Blockdemon’s total ‘node stack’ offers a platform built for institutions and developers seeking access to Base. As the industry-leading provider of blockchain infrastructure, Blockdaemon’s platform is built with security, reliability, and a developer-first approach in mind. Here are some of the advantages of working with Blockdaemon, which allows Base infrastructure support to be delivered at scale and speed:

1. Security

The Blockdaemon platform is secure by default, providing customers with the safest and most secure route into Base. Blockdaemon’s ISO 27001 certification recognizes the implementation of a gold-standard information security system across the entire Blockdaemon platform, compliant with one of the most rigorous international standards.Blockdaemon has been built from the ground up with security as its top priority; underpinned by enterprise-grade security across all products on the platform.

2. Reliability

Blockdaemon is built for reliability. We offer best-in-class 99.99% SLA uptime for enterprise customers. Our nodes are fully managed by our expert team of engineers, from the software stack all the way down to the cloud instances and bare metal hardware.Blockdaemon is designed to be highly available throughout. We do this by using best-in-class, bare metal hardware components, which means we can offer consistent performance across multiple regions while keeping latency low.

3. Developer-First

With one of the largest platforms by protocol count, Blockdaemon provides developers with the tools they need to build out their own Web3 apps, without having to worry about infrastructure or security issues.We at Blockdaemon will offer Base developers an easy way to connect to the blockchain.This eliminates the need to maintain, monitor and manage a Base node. This frees up time for developers to focus on what they do best. Furthermore, our offering allows Base nodes to handle high amounts of traffic. Blockdaemon offers the optimal platform to support mass adoption.

Blockdaemon Supports Base’s Success

We at Blockdaemon are proud to support the success of Base through our best-in-class blockchain infrastructure platform with guaranteed uptime. By using Blockdaemon’s infrastructure, developers will build services on a granite foundation of reliability and security. Our four layers of risk mitigation prevent node failures, while our expert team of engineers guarantee constant uptime. We look forward to a long and prosperous future with Base, supporting their mission-critical infrastructure and delivering value for the community.  

Blockdaemon is the only multi-chain API that allows access to Base and gets you up and running in seconds. Stay tuned for the next blog by Blockdaemon to learn how to connect to the Ubiquity Data API suite, and how to start building on Base.


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